
Welcome & Introduction

The purpose of a religion is to guide us in our daily lives. This is why a religion can be represented by the glyph of a man in a maze or a mazeway.

Symbol of Religion

In addition to answering the Big Questions,

  • Why is there life?
  • Why are we here?
  • How can we live a better life?

The primary function of any religion is to provide a means to pray. The basic purpose of prayer is to improve the quality of your life. You may pray to heal your body, purse or other circumstances. Of course, you may also pray for others.

If your prayers aren't working, it could be for one of two reasons. Either your prayer requests are not getting through, or they're not stated in an effective way.

Now I'm sure you didn't wake this morning thinking you'll join a new religion, and I am certainly not asking you to do that! What I am asking you to do is set aside any ideas you may have about God or religion in general.

It doesn't matter what your faith, beliefs or spiritual path may be, the work you do here will help you make more effective prayers.


Please respect that we make these materials available to you and to you alone, and that you'll be learning and using powerful techniques.

  • Meditation and relaxation techniques
  • How to safely use a pendulum for inner communication
  • New concepts to apply in your daily life, including the ancient psychology and religion of the kahunas and
  • How to clear your path so your prayers can get answered!

Do keep an open mind as you join me for a test drive of the Huna-mobile - no strings attached!

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