Frequently Asked Questions - and Answers

When does this course begin?

The course is available as soon as your payment is processed.

How long does it take to complete the program?

The core of this course provides instruction to achieve the four course objectives in 12 core sections, delivered over 12 weeks.

That sounds like a lot! Is there homework too?

Not homework, it's more like playing your favorite app - but with playing cards. You'll have fun with the games that exercise your brain power.

How long will I have access to the course after purchasing?

How does forever sound?

Will there be tests too?

Yes! There will be self-checks on the previous week's material at the start of each new section.

Are there any prerequisites to take this course?


Do I need additional materials?


  • A Rider-Waite Tarot Card deck. (The Radiant, Universal or Albano decks are also acceptable.)

image of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck box

  • Two decks of inexpensive poker playing cards - 4 suits, 13 cards each. (Jokers are not needed, but don't toss them. They may be useful.)

two decks of poker cards

What is the refund policy?

If the course is not for you or you are not satisfied, you may request a refund within 14 days of purchase.

Is coaching available?

Yes! If you need extra help, use the Comments button at the end of each section to email me. You may also visit Course Support Sessions to purchase 30-minute online coaching sessions.

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