Getting the most out of this program

Getting the most from this program

The best way to achieve success with this Self-Development (Hemolele) Program is to set an intention to spend 15-20 minutes every day on this daily practice.

Allow uninterrupted quiet time, preferably first thing in the morning, to sit down to journal focused on the particular Virtue.

After you complete each section, click the Complete and Continue button. This will help you track your progress and enable you to continue to the next section.

Section Readings

Each section contains articles with background information for additional context. This will enhance your understanding and deepen your experience. Articles are available for download.

Reflections on Your Progress

After completing three weeks of daily sessions, you'll have the opportunity to reflect on your progress before moving on to the next Virtue's daily practices.
Feedback & Comments

Use the Comments button to provide feedback, make observations or ask questions.

What to expect from your friendly neighborhood kahuna

It is my intention to share Huna wisdom and knowledge and provide you a path for self-development and spiritual growth.

In addition, I will do my best to respond to your Comments and questions within a couple of days.


On the 14th day after enrollment, you'll receive an email announcing the availability of the section for Aloha (Compassion).

This provides you with an additional week to review introductory readings and videos, and get familiar with the program.

You’ll then have access to the first Virtue Question Tracker:


a 2-sided template you can use for your daily sessions:

Template header

information on how to conduct a session, and supplemental material:

Every 21 days after that, you'll receive an email announcing the availability of material for the next virtue, until 18 weeks later, when you'll complete the program.

Complete and Continue