My story

What do you want to be when you grow up?

When II was 10 years old, I couldn't decide if I wanted to be a scientist or a philosopher.

Since then my path was a zigzag between both worlds. I zigged between astrology, numerology, the Tarot, Transcendental Meditation and astral projection and shamanism. I zagged between an Mathematics, teaching math, an MBA, IT training, tech and sales support and telecommunications.

But then I discovered the work of Max Freedom Long, Huna, the ancient religion of positive thinking.

It was then that I began to learn how miracles really work.

While I was earning my Ph.D. in Consciousness Studies, I attended a workshop on Shamanism. As it was ending, a tall man wearing white pants and an aloha shirt came into the room and asked if anyone wanted to meet a real, live kahuna. Wow! I said, sure sign me up.

Two weeks later I was sitting in the the first row of a Masonic temple auditorium, where a stream of diverse people came forward to tell their stories. They spoke of their healings. How much their lives had improved. And more things that I can't even remember.

There was this one professional-type business man who said that he had learned how to pray, the Huna way. With one eyebrow raised, I listened to his story, of how he prayed for a Porsche, for free, and he got it! Then he decided to trade-up to a more expensive Mercedes, that he would also get, at no additional cost! And he got that too!

I was certainly impressed. I thought that any religion, or whatever this was, that could get you a Porsche was worth looking into.

A few weeks later, I was enrolled in this very course, learning from Kahuna Lani, how to end my voluntary suffering, and how I'd never have to take another self-help course.

It's been 30 years since that night when I sat in the first row, when I started my studies with one of Kahuna Max's few personal students.

During those years, I've been of Service, helping many people improve the quality of their lives.

So today, I will show you how to become the kind of person whose prayers get answered.


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